MBUGO ACE Partners with Kampala Domestic Stores LTD to Empower Youth in the Coffee Value Chain

MBUGO ACE is happy to announce our latest partnership with Kampala Domestic Stores LTD (KDS), aimed at supporting youth involvement in the coffee value chain through the Coffee for Decent Youth Employment (C4CYE) project.

Empowering the Next Generation of Coffee Professionals

In collaboration with the Private Sector Foundation Uganda (PSFU), KDS is facilitating a comprehensive training program through MBUGO ACE, targeting at least 400 youth in our community. This initiative is designed to build their capacity and equip them with the skills needed to actively participate in various stages of the coffee value chain.

Training Opportunities for Youth

The training program will cover a wide range of roles within the coffee industry, including:

Baristas: Youth will receive specialized training in the craft of coffee preparation, equipping them to excel in the growing coffee retail sector.

Auditors: Youth will be trained to conduct internal farmer assessments related to various coffee certification standards, ensuring compliance and quality.

Coffee Service Providers: Skilled labor will be provided at the farm level, supporting farmers with essential tasks and improving overall productivity.

Machine Operators/Hullers: Training will be offered on operating coffee hulling machines, a critical step in processing coffee beans for market readiness.

Roasters: Participants will learn the art and science of coffee roasting, transforming raw beans into the rich, flavorful coffee enjoyed by consumers.

Creating Decent Employment Opportunities

The C4CYE project is not just about training—it's about creating decent employment opportunities for young people, empowering them to build sustainable careers in the coffee industry. By engaging youth in these critical roles, we are not only securing the future of coffee production but also fostering economic growth and development within our community.

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